10th Class Computer Book PDF Punjab Textbook Board
10th Class Computer New Book Urdu & English Medium
We know you are looking for the 10th Class Computer Book new syllabus on the internet. And we have the solution for you because we have uploaded this computer book in both Urdu and English medium. We scanned the 10th computer science new book for our users and upload it on our website. The Computer Science book for the 10th class is available in two versions from the Punjab textbook board. Both versions of this book are available on this page, you can view it online or download the book.
It is not possible to download the book chapters more than once, you can download these chapters as many times as you like. The most important thing is that all the books are in good condition. The pdf versions are very easy to read and everything is very clear. Therefore, download them today!
10th Class Computer Book Punjab Boards
There are five lessons in this book. We will examine each chapter in turn. In these chapters described in the book, students will be able to assess the depth of their understanding of computer science.
Unit-1 Introduction to Programming
As is clear from the name of the chapter that it is an introduction to programming. You will learn about programming, IDEs, Some basic programming languages, and a basic intro of the C language. In the next topics, you will learn about the syntax and structure of the C language.
Unit-2 User Interface
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce you to the user interface in the C language. You will be able to know about input and output functions and different types of operators in C.
Unit-3 Conditional Logic
This chapter aims to introduce you to the basic knowledge of the conditional structure. You will learn about control statements, selection statements, If statements, and some other structures.
Unit-4 Data and Reputation
As you read the title of this chapter, you will become acquainted with basic data structure and loop structure in C language. You will introduce Array, Array declaration and initialization, and loop structures and syntax with some solved examples.
Unit-5 Functions
As you read this chapter, you will become familiar with Functions in the C language. You will learn about function types, advantages of functions, the structure of a function, and defining a function.
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